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A Solar-Wind-Pumped Storage hybrid greenfield project is in pipeline: RFQs ahead
Oct 01: Project Name: Greenfield Integrated Renewable Energy: Standalone Pumped Storage Project
8Project Cost: 6124 crores
8Project Description: A wholly owned subsidiary company along with an EIA consultant is planning the implementation of a greenfield integrated renewable energy project comprising wind-solar-pumped storage hybrid power project. The pumped storage project envisages capacity of 1200 MW, solar plant of 1000 MW and wind plant of 550 MW. TOR has been amended in capacity from 1000 MW to 1200 MW. Collection of three season baseline data for preparation of draft EIA report is under process. Further bids are expected soon. 
8Project Event: RFQ for drilling and drifting activities for pre-construction activities is expected by the Q1 2019.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2:2019
8RFQ Date: Q1:2019
8Release Date: Q1:2019
8Start Date: 2020
8Completion Date: 2023
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